Friday, November 2, 2012


Those horses just got a lot easier…

You know those pictures of knights you've seen in full regalia? Where the horses are wearing surcoats too? Yeah, All I'll need to do to the horses' rear ends is drape some fabric over them. Though, I still need two to four bicycle tires and a lot of metal for the frame… still! Horse surcoats! Now for the carrots, fire irons, deal box, beehive, mousetrap…

Courtney: some of them have designs! also, here's the War Horse TED talk


  1. I love it! Very smart. Could the surcoats be white (or dirty-white) and red?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes, and the designs are the heraldry. I will have to talk with Kitty about the heraldry, but it should not be too difficult.
